One of the reasons steel roofing sheets are so popular among UK buildings is that they are low-maintenance, lightweight, easy to install and are long-lasting. Unlike shingles, tiles or slate, steel roofing sheets won’t blow lose in the wind or have individual parts fall off of the roof, leaving areas unprotected.
The maintenance of corrugated steel roofing sheets is minimal compared to other roofing materials such as felt roofs, clay roofs or thatch, but still an important part of ensuring the preservation of your roof.

Why is Roof Maintenance important for steel roofing sheets?
Like anything which is left outside 24/7, open to the elements and in the target range for bird excrement, your roof will need to be looked after and checked to ensure maximum use.
Cladco Steel Roofing sheets have a first-maintenance warranty, of anything from eight to thirty years, depending on the steel coating.
To ensure you get as much life as you can out of your roofing purchase, keeping it clean, safe from rust and scratches can improve both the look and the life of your roof.
This is where roofing maintenance is important, not just to keep your buildings looking, clean, new and smart, but also to help prevent any unwanted costs later down the line.
How do I maintain my Corrugated Roofing Sheets?
Initial roof maintenance for Cladco roofing sheets begins with the basics, when collecting your roofing sheets, ensure to enlist the help of a well-abled, physically fit and suitable adult to help carry the sheets, preventing unnecessary scruffs and damage to your sheeting. (Please note Cladco are unable to load unsuitable vehicles, for more information please see our collections notice here)
When drilling, screwing, fixing or cutting your steel roofing sheet, be sure to wipe, brush or wash away any excess material, known as swarth, as this can damage steel sheeting if left on the roofing sheets.
How regularly should I check my Steel Roofing Sheets?
Cladco recommends that customers inspect their roofs annually, as a rough guide. Although checking your roofing regularly will help prevent build-up.
Autumn, when there is an increase in rainfall, wind and leaves in the air is an important time to carrying out regular roofing inspections to reduce potential leaf and moss build-up.
Having leaves, moss, and other debris stuck in the roofing gutters adds additional weight to your structure, as well as moisture, which if left could lead to rust and wear and tear of the sheeting. A simple clean of your gutters from leaves and debris could avoid expensive repairs further down the line.
While carrying out checks, you may find areas of sheeting with marks, this could be from wet weather, falling branches or watermarks from leaves. Soap and water and a lot of elbow grease should remove the markings, leaving your roof looking as good as new again.

Corrugated Steel Roofing Maintenance and Aftercare.
All Cladco Corrugated Roofing Sheets do not need a vast amount of maintenance to keep them looking and working to a high standard. Ensuring that the roofs and gutters are clear of all debris, all swath is wiped clean away and that paint is reapplied when necessary.
Cladco Profiles offers a range of paints and finishes, Polyester Paint, PVC plastisol and GreenCoat® Mica BT, all with varied resistance to scratches.
See more about Cladco Profiles aftercare recommendations by clicking here

Find out more about our range of Roofing Sheets and which is the best match for you via our website, ordering a FREE Sample, or by calling a member of our friendly sales team on 01837 659901.