If you have heard of using flashings for corrugated roofs and aren’t sure how and why to use them, we can help guide you with some further information. Essentially, they are an integral part of any sheeted roof and cover the ridge where the two sides of a pent roof meet. If you like to keep things looking neat and tidy, then you will want to use flashings to do the job.
Flashings are essential to provide a seal and weather protection between sheets, flashings can be used in a multitude of ways such as abutment flashings, shadowline barge, drip flashing, door jamb flashing and ridge flashings. Flashings can also be used around windows and doors where a neat edge or weatherproofing is required. Here at Cladco, we stock a variety of flashings in 90° and 130° angles in matching colours and finishes to the rest of the steel roofing sheet range. Flashings can be fabricated to a custom requirement in our workshop. Flashings for roofs are often installed directly where two sheets meet using specially designed TEK screws which are 22mm using a thread which is course to join sheets together. These specific screws are ST22 and can be purchased online to use with steel flashings, colour caps can be provided to use on top of the steel head to hide the silver and match the roof colour.
Cladco flashings are available in lengths of 3m and we advise an overlap of 200mm when installing for optimum performance. The flashings for Cladco roofs can be provided in either Polyester or PVC Plastisol depending on chosen finish. We can also supply Tile Form Flashings in a GreenCoat® Mica BT coating. One of the benefits of installing flashings for roofs is that not only will they provide an aesthetically pleasing look, but they will help to protect your build against any water intrusion, keeping the internals dry.
Flashings and More Guidance from Cladco
At Cladco, we can help you choose not just the flashing you want but also advise on the roofing sheets, roof lights, z purlins, you might want. We can provide you with everything you will need for your roofing project and more, with our section covering all the guidance you will need for a successful build.
Cladco provides custom flashings for flashings which are not on our standard stock list, simply contact us and speak to our sales team on 01837 659 901 and we’ll be able to advise further. The types of flashing you will find at Cladco include ridge capping, barge boards, corner trims, apron trims, drip trays and sill flashings; covering all aspects of your roofing. We can guarantee the quality of our flashings so that you know you have made the right choice – independently testing them to current CE EN 14782 requirements.