Uses of Roof Barge Boards with Polyester Paint Finish
Cladco Profiles roof barge boards are 3 metres in length and are refolded to a 90-degree internal angle, flexing 10-15 degrees each way. We can manufacture dimensions to your specific requirements in most cases, providing you give us accurate measurements. Our roof barge board flashings come with a safety welt to increase the strength of the material and come in various colours so you can match them with our roofing profile boards or choose a contrasting colour.
These Flashings are only recommended for use with our 13/3 Corrugated, 41/1000 Tileform, 32/1000 Box Profile and 34/1000 Box Profile Roofing Sheets.
Please note: The 150 x 150 flashings give a coverage of 142 x 142 due to the 8mm welt.
Please note: All Juniper Green polyester sheets and flashings may exhibit slight colour variances between products.
Cladco Polyester Paint Flashings come with a protective clear film. Ensure the film is removed after installation, or when storing in a place with sunlight exposure or rain, to prevent it from sticking to the surface.